First of all, i thought i could make a small farewell dinner with you, but somehow, timing is not there. I wasn't able to say goodbye or give you a hug before you left Malaysia. Anyhow, How are you doing in Singapore ? It's been 2 weeks since we last meet. We actually knew each for a few years , but we just started talking and hanging out last March? HAHA. We got closer with one event. You know that :P , it happened with no plan and It was a rainy day. Funny *
Eventually , we went out few times for dinner and talk , it was fun . Girls talk were no problem , no awkwardness , what surprises me is that i found that the more you grow, the harder you can find someone who can talk about every stuffs.
I just want to say thank you , even though we only hang out for 2 months, but i am glad to meet you. I hope you met someone nice there * i meant it * and good luck on everything you do. You can do it, just trust yourselves! love you :)

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